Obedient love

         When you have done all that you were ordered to do, say,
         “We are merely slaves;
         we have done only what we ought to have done!”

                  — Luke 17.10

I am your servant, not the master,
but not in chains: in love.
In perfect freedom I obey;
as your lover I submit to you.
O Love at the Heart of All Things,
I am yours.
This day is yours, not mine.
My life, and all my gifts,
my skills and passions,
are for your sake, not mine.
My task today is to be and to do
according to your will.
I pray that your energy
may arise in me clearly,
that I may trust your desire for me,
discern your unfolding in me,
and live in harmony with your grace.
You are the nerve; I am the muscle.
You are the heart; I am the hand.
May all that I do today be for you sake,
according to your delight;
and may I, in humbly serving others,
in obedience to your love,
draw nearer to you.


Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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