Lamb of God

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.

         Look, the lamb of God,
         who takes away the sin of the world.

                  —John 1.29

         “Come and see”
         allow this grace to fill our vision

The Lamb of God
         lamb that dwells with the wolf
         servant who like a lamb is led to the slaughter
         Passover lamb whose blood marks our freedom
         conquering lamb who opens the seven seals

Who takes away
         the Greek word is “to lift”
         to take the burden from our shoulders
         to bear our sin, carry it off, endure the load
         to lift up for us to see clearly
         to hold it harmlessly away from us
         to receive our violence without returning it
The sin of the world
         not the sins; we’re stuck with those
         the brokenness hidden in everyone
         the saturating fear
         the wound that will not heal
         the violence of the system

And they followed him
         to know we are as sinful as others, and not judge
         to know we are forgiven, and be humbly grateful
         to carry forgiveness into this world
         to be nonviolent
         in freedom, miraculously rising
         without illusion that we can bear or save
         in tender love for the gentle lamb
         to accompany Christ beneath the suffering of the world
         and help the Gentle One who holds the weight

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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