A god work in you

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and Peace to you.
         I am confident of this,
         that the one who began a god work in you
         will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.

                  —Philippians 1.6

Yes, that’s a typo. I do that a lot.
It’s supposed to be a “good work.”
But this time I’ll leave it. That is my prayer.


You give me no punishment,
no requirement, no burden,
only you.
Repentance is not my work but yours:
you are a child growing within me.

I surrender myself to your deep delight.
I make of my rough heart
an open manger.

Come to wholeness in me,
that I may become
what you already cherish.

Come, be born in me.
Come, give birth to me,
Holy Child, my Lord,
my Mother, my life.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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