Memorial Day prayer

I pray today for those who have suffered and sacrificed
in service to their country.
I honor the sacrifice of soldiers and sailors who have died,
and for their loved ones, who still suffer.
I pray for those who are injured,
especially those poorly cared for.
I pray for those whose who are injured in heart or mind or soul.
I pray for those whose spirits died
when they were forced to witness or commit horrible things,
whose souls have been hollowed out,
or whose purpose has been shattered.
I pray for homeless veterans,
for addicts and suicides and vets haunted by PTSD,
for they too are casualties of our way of war.
I pray for those who are sexually abused and harassed,
whose suffering continues after their time of duty.
I pray for those who have served who are lonely,
who are sad, who are guilty or ashamed.
I pray for those who are proud but unappreciated.
I pray for healing for all those who bear the wounds
we choose others to suffer and to inflict.
And I pray for those of other nations, too.
God bless all who have suffered and sacrificed:
may they know healing, grace, and deep peace.


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