Martha, Martha

Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.                    Martha, Martha, you are worried                   and distracted by many things;          there is need of only one thing.                            —Luke 10.41-42

No matter the results and outcomes,      the thousand possibilities,           you are here now.

Why even try to trace      what the beggar will do with your money?           Let your giving be the whole horizon.

Be lovingly present      and wars and stars and grief and cats alike           will be unable to trouble you.

At the center of the world and in each breath      this is the holy temple, the birthing moment:           giving and receiving love. That is all.

This is the sacred point,      the love in you           meeting the love in the world.

However broken or weary you are,      bring yourself here, in love,           now.

                             Deep Blessings, Pastor Steve

__________________ Steve Garnaas-Holmes Unfolding Light

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