
Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.                    Ask, and it will be given you;          search, and you will find;          knock, and the door will be opened for you.                             For everyone who asks receives,          and everyone who searches finds,          and for everyone who knocks,          the door will be opened.                                     â€”Luke 11.9-10

Faith is not having; it’s searching. Faith is not knowing; it’s asking. Faith is not having arrived;          it’s knocking on the door.

See how often the Teacher praises people’s faith knowing nothing of their beliefs or their attitudes, only that they are reaching out. Faith is reaching out.

Certainty doesn’t draw us near to God. The lived question does, the open hand, opening ourselves to what flows new each moment.

We are leaves turning toward the sun, lovers longing for our lovers, children calling for mommy, swimmers coming up for breath.

Trusting the Beloved’s generosity, deepen your pleading. Let everything you do, every moment, be an opening, a breathing in, an ardent search, a reaching out to God.

Look! The door is opening.                            Deep Blessings, Pastor Steve

__________________ Steve Garnaas-Holmes Unfolding Light

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