But the tax collector, standing far off,
prayed, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!”
I tell you, this one went home justified rather than the other.
—Luke 18.13-14
There is no deserving; there is only belovedness.
There is no being right; there is only being open.
Faith is not certainty; it is reaching out.
Merciful One,
I come not by my merit, but by your love.
I open myself to your mercy,
not in deserving but in wonder
and gratitude.
I am not righteous; I am loved.
I am not bad or rotten;
I am in need of your mercy.
For all my sin you offer mercy.
For all my achievements you offer mercy.
Merciful One,
I need you. I trust you.
With empty hands, wide open,
I turn to you for mercy.
God, be merciful to me, a sinner.