We are children of God.
We have received a spirit of adoption.
All of creation has been groaning in labor pains
and we ourselves groan inwardly while we wait for adoption,
the redemption of our bodies.
—Romans 8.15, 22-23
How wonderful of Paul to mash up these metaphors,
that we groan inwardly in giving birth,
and we are also ourselves natural born children of God,
and also that we await adoption as children,
and we have already received adoption:
natural issue of God, chosen by God,
like God giving birth, and newborn:
starting new, being changed,
and belonging in ways that can’t be changed.
All of that.
Children of God.
This is what everyone’s groans are.
This is what everyone you meet
is dying to know.
Treat them so.
―July 20, 2017