The boat was being swamped.
But Jesus was in the stern, asleep on the cushion.
And they woke him up and said to him,
“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”
— Mark 4.37-38
Storms rise.
Dark, threatening, chaos.
God seems asleep, inattentive, uncaring.
We cry out., not unheard.
No matter what the storm,
Jesus is with you.
What harm can befall his boat
you would not choose?
If you go down,
you go with him.
Indeed we are perishing.
In Christ we “sleep” and rise.
He is in your worried boat.
He is at peace. Asleep!
He says, “Peace, be still”
Inwardly, a great calm.
His peace calms the storm
of other boats, too
so you can go to the other side
and serve, risen.
—June 22, 2018