What matters (and what doesn’t)

         Since you have been raised with Christ,
         seek the things that are above, where Christ is,
         seated at the right hand of God.
         Set your minds at a higher level, on essential things,
         not on meaningless details.

                  —Colossians 3.1-2

God, help me discern what matters and what does not.
What helps me trust you and serve the world,
what helps me honor who you create me to be—
and what does not?
Help me let go of fears and desires and meaningless opinion,
judgments of the way things ought to be,
other people’s ideas about me.
They don’t matter. Let them go.
Set my mind on what is actually true and life-giving.
Help me be mindful of your grace at work always,
your constant presence, even in the awful times,
and the gift of being with you, even in the horrible times.
Fix my mind on your grace,
and give me faith to let go of everything else.
Nothing else will fit in this little lifeboat
but me and you, and your infinite grace.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

   —May 6, 2019

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