Follow the voice

         My sheep hear my voice.
         I know them, and they follow me.

                  —John 10.27

Follow the voice that knows you.
Ignore the voices of expectation,
that try to fit you to their liking.

The Beloved doesn’t demand
but accompanies, shares your burden,
leads you to green pastures, restores your soul.

The Beloved walks with you
even through darkest valleys
toward richer love, deeper life.

Ignore the voices of despair or fear,
voices of blame or bitterness,
that can only defend you by hurting others.

Follow the voice that draws you
more clearly to who you are created to be,
the voice that is life-giving.

Follow the voice that invites you in,
that honors you despite your enemies,
that offers goodness and mercy.

Stop and listen. Be silent and listen
in long stillness. Wait with all the voices
for the One who stays with you. Sit with it.

And then follow.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

   —May 7, 2019

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