Fundamental force

Love is the fundamental force of the universe.
The big bang that everything comes from,
the gravity that holds it all together,
the basic process at work
within every thing and every moment
is the grace of God,
love making all things one and whole and holy.
It is vast, containing every galaxy,
yet intimately present in our minds and our bodies.
Like particle physics, like microbiology,
this process of wholeness becoming whole,
of love unfolding throughout Creation,
is going on all the time
whether we recognize it or not.
The invitation is to recognize it,
to trust it, to live in harmony with it all the time.
The voice of the shepherd is the voice of that grace.
It is miraculous power we tap into
when we heal, when we bless, when we love.
Surely we fail often,
but within and beyond our little wars and atrocities
the infinite grace of the Loving One
unfolds continually, dwarfing all our evil.
Root yourself in this Peace, breathe its grace,
and live with its energy.
         The Realm of God is near at hand.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

   —May 9, 2019

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