Climate strike

There is one Creation.
We are all it.
None of us is all of it,
but none is anything else.

When we give voice to the cry of the earth,
when we stand for reverence for Creation,
the universe speaks in us.
Those who stand to gain from greed and complacency
will ridicule us, that we have no power.
But they are alone
while we are one with the wind and seas.
The power of tides and rivers flows in us.
The hope of every living thing
sustains and empowers us.

In gratitude, we stand firm.
In hope, we cry out.
In deep belonging, we act boldly.
With the certainty of seasons we seek justice,
we practice reverence,
we exercise hope.

We are the earth.
This is our cry,
and this is our courage.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

September 20, 2019

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