
         Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit
         into the wilderness
         to be tempted by the devil.

                  â€”Matthew 4.1
Desert wind
blow through me.
Expose me.
Let the sun of your grace
sear down to its bones
my sin.
Erode the stones
of my wants.
I walk among
my desires’ skeletons laid bare.
Starve me of all
but you.
There in the wild, the empty,
be my only food.
In the harsh be my only safety,
in the solitude my one true love.
In my fear bear me,
in my aloneness join me,
in my weakness be me.
In this valley of my death
be my life,
verdant and eternal.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

February 27, 2020

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