
         “This is my body… this is my blood” 
 —Matthew 26.26

You pour the cup,
your heart;
I take and drink.
Your blood
becomes my blood,
my lintel sign
to bid the angel pass over
this night of plague,
that all be free.
You break the bread,
my heart;
I take and eat.
The Word made flesh
becomes my flesh.
Now I am moved
not by my will
but your unleavened
will to love.
You take the basin,
wash our feet;
the water swirls,
and in your pierced
divine humility
in you I pass
through the great Red Sea,
free from the Pharaoh
of my fears and wants,
free to serve—
by which miracle
does justice come,
and we are saved.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

April 9, 2020

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