Beging the end

         In those days, after that suffering,
          the sun will be darkened,
                    and the moon will not give its light,
          and the stars will be falling from heaven,
                    and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
                                        —Mark 13.24-25

Yes, it is the end times.
As it always has been—
the end of this time
and the beginning of another.
A time of urgency, of immediacy,
of moral emergency.
Don’t imagine things will go on,
or revert to some way they’ve been.
This is the day to make things new,
beginning with yourself—and yet

not to make, but to be made.
Begin the end here: let yourself end.
Let your sun darken, your stars fall.
Give yourself up to the One
who will say in the darkness,
“Let there be light.”
Until the word is spoken,
let there be darkness.

The Sea Today

Obediently falling
and falling
on the shore,
and erasing,
and birthing.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 23, 2020

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