What you’re doing

You’re on a path
heading somewhere important.
You’re trying to accomplish something
helpful, or creative.

But really, though it sometimes looks so,
though you earnestly hope so,
that’s not what you’re doing.

Whatever the tools in your hand
or the journey beneath your feet
you’re really calling out to your Beloved.
You are trying to listen, just to listen
for the Beloved, who desires you,
singing to you.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 16, 2020

Categorized as Reflections

My light

You, beloved, are not in darkness…
you are all children of light and children of the day.
—1 Thessalonians 5.4-5

God, my Light,
shine in me this day.
Fill the night of my fear with your dawn.
Redeem the night of my bitterness with your grace.
Transform the night of my despair with your love.
Be my dawn, my rising sun,
my steady light.
May I bear your light
into the shadows of this world.
Let me shine with your love,
your hope, your truth.
Light of love, shine in me.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 13, 2020

Categorized as Reflections

Bare tree

Leaves lost, cloak sundered,
summer’s green muffler gone.
Open to November winds
picking through your belongings,
your scarf unwrapped
from your neck, so exposed.
The last mitten taken from the hand
of the high twig flutters down.
So this is you,
without all the leafy romance,
the generous bosom,
the welcome shade,
just arms of wood,
wooden sinews, rising, twisting,
thinning toward the top,
your ten thousand fingers,
and all this empty air, the blank
between branch and branch,
the wind you can’t hold,
this is you, this
strenuous absence,
this brave emptiness
with no visible heart.
Where are you now,
in the root,
In the wind?
Or here, invisible,
in the presence,
the persistence,
the openness
to what winter will
through you?
O, beautiful bareness,
you will prevail,
and if I attend,
bring me with you.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 12, 2020

Categorized as Reflections

Oue heroes

We honor all our heroes.
We honor our military, especially the war dead,
the maimed, the traumatized.
And we honor the greater number,
the civilians killed or wounded.
We honor the other heroes, those who served
and even gave their lives resisting war.
We honor the conscientious objectors
who refused to participate.
We honor the protestors
who spoke out against violence.
We honor the negotiators
who sought better avenues.
We honor the leaders and planners
who created alternatives.
We honor citizens
who formed relationships across boundaries
to defeat the illusion of “them” and “us.”
We honor the saints
who prayed not for victory but for peace.
We honor them all. They all served.
They all sacrificed. They are all heroes.
May their memories be a blessing to us,
and stir us to join in the mending of the world.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 11, 2020

Categorized as Reflections


        The one who had received the five talents
         went off at once and traded with them,
         and made five more talents.
                           —Matthew 25.16

To trade you let go.
         To invest you surrender.

God give me courage to let go
         of myself,

my great investment
         in the world you desire,

my self-spending
         without which there is no return.

Today I give myself to the world,
         banking on your grace,

not kept in fear,
         not buried in inadequacy,

but spent with confidence,
         and patient with the wait,

for the return
         that is not mine but yours:

the world, blessed,
         and myself, with interest.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 10, 2020

Categorized as Reflections

Trees, November

Trees stand leafless
     in the falling cold.
          They do not fret.
               They know.

Geese fly over, stopping,
     some, to float the pond,
          then leave again.
               They know.

The little brook flows down,
     now strong, now slow,
          but flowing down
               and down.

You do not need to know
     how wisdom works,
          or how they understand,
               but only what

you, too,
     in all your rising darkness,
          and in your doubt,
               your long unknowing,

     a gravity, a drawing in,
          a voice inviting,

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 9, 2020

Best part

But the wise bridesmaids replied,
“No! there will not be enough for you and for us;
you had better go to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.”
—Matthew 25.9

They are too “wise” to share,
having brought only enough for themselves,
putting the burden on the poor—
“wise” according to the religion
of Selfishness and Individualism.

Sharing would have avoided the whole mess.
“You do not know the day or the hour,”
Jesus says—the hour to share.

There are whole political parties
whose platform is Not Sharing.
It’s a good way to miss
the best part of the wedding:
the sharing.

The Sea Today

to fill the ocean,
the water throws itself
to the land,
and returns,
always returns.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Nov. 6, 2020

Psalm of unknowing

God, we live in darkness, unseeing.
We close our eyes, and see your light.
We walk a path untrod,
only your footprints before us.

Forces of anger and evil surround us,
the power of selfishness unleashed.
We fear for our future, unknowing,
yet your love is supreme, unfailing.

Children waiting for the war’s end,
we long for the noise to stop.
But beneath the raging, your Silence
that calms our trembling hearts.

Beloved, hold us in the darkness,
our unknowing trust your praise,
your love our gravity, our end,
and tomorrow’s willing embrace.
We wait for the morning, we wait,
but your light is already here.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 5, 2020

We can love

Breathe. Walk.
Brush your teeth.

Our sickness is greater
than we let ourselves think,
our wound more profound.

But so is our love.
Our grief and even despair
are the work of the Spirit in us.

Let your flesh feel your rage,
your voice find your sorrow.
Let the river flow.

We are not called to end the winter
but to bear the light
that will become the spring.

The road is long.
The Suffering One walks with us,
bearing something. Come along.

The mending of the world
is threaded with simple
kindness and courage.

Attend to the small miracles.
Even as the cold descends
we can love. We can love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 4, 2020

Choose this (Election) day

Choose this day whom you will serve…
but as for me and my household,
we will serve the Holy One.
—Joshua 34.15

Choose, this day.
As for me, I will follow the Beloved.
I will spurn violence and all claim to dominion.
I will stand for justice:
that all may be included in the blessings of life.
With the Crucified One,
I will cast my lot, and my vote,
with the poor in spirit, and those who mourn,
with the gentle, and those who hunger for justice.
I will stand with the peacemakers
and those who are persecuted.
I will follow the one
who fed all who were hungry,
who healed all who wanted to be healed,
and welcomed all who were pushed to the margins.
I will speak only the truth, and only lovingly.
I will examine, confess and resist
my own complicity in systems that harm,
and surrender what I can
so my living may be a blessing for the poor.
I will accept the power God gives me
to resist evil, injustice, and oppression
in whatever forms they present themselves.
I will live with hope and gratitude,
with courage and generosity and kindness.
Choose this day whom you will serve,
but as for me, I will serve the God of love.

[Friends, pray for America…]

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

November 3, 2020

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