The end of life

         “This is indeed the delight of God,
         that all who see the Beloved and believe in that one
         may have eternal life;
         and I will raise them up on the last day.”
                   —John 6.40

When you see
love made real in this world
you come to trust it,
and receive it as a gift,
which brings with it life, deep life,
life that can’t be taken from you,
life that is eternal.
Connected so intimately
with Love and the Source of all Love,
you are raised by Love
beyond all grief and trouble,
beyond pain and death,
raised not by your faith or anything of yours,
but raised by the Beloved’s delight in you,
raised by Love’s love for you.
The end of all life is delight.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

August 5, 2021

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