Live forever

         “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.
         Whoever eats of this bread will live forever.”
                   —John 6.51

Live forever? Really? Billions of years?
Doing what? You can’t even abide slow traffic,
or—God forbid!— a long worship service.
I’m not buying it. You don’t want to live forever.
I bet what you want is to matter forever.
Which is pure ego. Let it go.

On the other hand,
when you eat the bread of heaven—
heaven being not the sky but the heart of all things—
you live at the heart of Being.
And in your union you extend beyond yourself,
become one with eternity,
not as a way to sustain your ego
but as pure love.

The way to live forever
is to love the world so much
you become it.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

August 11, 2021

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