Shall we receive the good at the hand of God,
and not receive the bad?
—Job 2.10
What if love does not hand out stuff,
good or bad,
but is simply present in all things?
Without judging, can I receive it?
What if nothing happens “at the hand of God,”
but everything is in the hand of God?
Without judging, can I receive it all?
What if things, like rain, are both good and bad,
and neither, but simply are?
Without judging, can I receive them?
What if good and bad
are so wrapped up in pleasant and unpleasant
that we can’t tell very well?
Without judging, can I receive everything?
What if my life is neither good nor bad
but wondrously full of pain and pleasure,
and the presence of God?
Without judging, can I receive it?
I open my hands.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
October 1, 2021