Indigenous People’s Day

         God said, “What have you done?
         Listen; your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground!”
                   —Genesis 4.10

Great Spirit,
for the blood of our siblings of the earth
which cries out to us from the ground
on which we build our houses and highways,
we ask your mercy.
For the songs of those the White people tried to wipe out,
songs that still resonate in this land,
we give you thanks,
and ask your mercy.
For the hopes of the people whose lives are belittled,
and who even now disappear without our caring,
we pray for your healing,
and ask your mercy.
O Mysterious One, may the peoples of this land be restored;
may the hosts and invaders be reconciled in true peace;
may the songs increase, and the dance grow thunderous.
Aho. Amen.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

October 4, 2021

Good and bad

         Shall we receive the good at the hand of God,
         and not receive the bad?
                   —Job 2.10

What if love does not hand out stuff,
good or bad,
but is simply present in all things?
Without judging, can I receive it?

What if nothing happens “at the hand of God,”
but everything is in the hand of God?
Without judging, can I receive it all?

What if things, like rain, are both good and bad,
and neither, but simply are?
Without judging, can I receive them?

What if good and bad
are so wrapped up in pleasant and unpleasant
that we can’t tell very well?
Without judging, can I receive everything?

What if my life is neither good nor bad
but wondrously full of pain and pleasure,
and the presence of God?
Without judging, can I receive it?

I open my hands.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

October 1, 2021

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