Oh, body

Oh body, how I love and resent you,
want you well and want to flee you,
see you a thing, as if from outside.
How you have fooled me
thinking I am wee and all alone,
a stone among stones,
most at home with stones like me.

How hard it is to know,
yet, breathing, I do know
I am a cell among cells
of one great Being.
How we, so many kinds, require
and bless each other!
How all stuff, even most mine, is only ours.
Oh, One!, how I, with all,
am made and given in you,
one breath, one spark, one Living.

Oh Body, this Being,
how I love you beyond me.

           Now you are the body of Christ
           and individually members of it.

                           —1 Corinthians 12.27

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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