Receiving yourself

Today is our anniversary.
Beth and I have been at this for 42 years.
I’m grateful for how lucky I am.
And I’m pleased that after such a short time
I’ve begun to get better at this,
at giving myself
wholly and joyfully,
and grateful for how
by giving yourself,
to art or a person or a cause or whatever,
by giving yourself
you most deeply become yourself,
receiving more than you have given.
Lucky you are
who have something worthy
to give yourself to,
and therefore such a rich way
to receive yourself.
And most lucky you are indeed
if that is love.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light


The sparrow hops among the bits,
cocks its head to the spots among the rocks,
little seeds, or less, hiding in the grit,
shaded under the patio table,
specks on the windbrushed street.
It rests, satisfied, on the wristy branch,
hops down again, finds food,
and, thankful, throaty, thrives.

God grant me sparrow eyes.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light


The hills curve around us
           Light rises, deepens, lengthens
A dancer begins
A musician is joined
Every bed is your deathbed
There is always an opening
           Never a dead end
           And the light, growing
           A small fire
Our Mother
           The sound of footsteps with us

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Be light

Keep silence.
Cry out.

Be still.

Hunger deeply.
Be satisfied.

Love kindly. Do justice.
Walk humbly with God.

Even in darkness
be light.

You are nothing
but the light passing through you.

In this is your strength
and the glory of God
that will prevail
to the ends of the earth.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

God is an act

God is not a guy out there somewhere,
not a thing, but energy,
the energy of love,
the love that makes being be,
not a being,
but being itself, “I AM.”
I BE, being.
God is an act.
An act of love,
since that’s what love is:
not a feeling, but an act,
even it it’s an invisible act
of regard.
When you love someone,
even poorly,
God is.
The more you love
the more God you make happen.
This is the mystery of the Holy Spirit,
that it is given to us to make real.
The fire burns in us,
even when we don’t know it.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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