Maundy Thursday Liturgy # 2

This service is an extended Eucharistic prayer, interspersed with scripture readings. The focus is on Justice, reflecting the feast of Passover.
It may include a homily at any point, and it may include foot-washing.

Click here to download a this service in a .doc format.

This is my command: love one another as I have loved you.” — John 15.17


John 12.1-8

O God, in this Holy Week we proclaim the mystery of our faith as we behold the great love of Christ, and contemplate his call for us to love one another. As Jesus faced his death with humility, compassion and grace, help us now to watch with him in his passion. In his last day with his beloved friends Jesus celebrated the Passover, God’s mighty deliverance of the slaves from Egypt, God’s desire for freedom and justice for all people. Pray that we may inherit Christ’s passion for justice and healing. Even in the face of his death, Jesus renewed God’s covenant of life, God’s promise of blessing and redemption. Pray that we may enter into that covenant with faith, joy and gratitude. Amen.

Exodus 12. 1-5, 11-14

God of Creation, God of our liberation, God of salvation, it is your will that all people be freed from hatred, violence, servitude and poverty. We pray that we may be freed from the bondage of all sin. We pray for all those who suffer injustice and oppression. We confess our complicity in injustice, and pray for courage to be set free ourselves. We pray for those of other faiths, that we may honor and learn from one another, and that there be no hatred between us. God of mercy, set us free, and free all your beloved children. Amen.

Psalm 116

Eucharistic Prayer
Holy God, Creator of this world and all that is to come,
we give thanks for your mighty acts of mercy.
For you have brought Creation out of chaos, light out of darkness.

You have formed us in your image
and breathed into us the breath of life.
You have made covenant with us to save us, to set us free,
and to walk with you into new and abundant life.

You yearn for the freedom of all people;
so you brought your people up out of slavery in Egypt.
You condemn the powers of evil and injustice,
set free your beloved people,
and call us and strengthen us to join you
for the sake of the redemption of the whole world.
Throughout history you have stood with the poor,
with the outcast, the powerless, the abused and the forgotten.
You have spoken to us through your prophets,
who call us to justice,
and and you have made us your people, the church.

Even when our love fails, you have remained steadfast;
you have loved us and redeemed us
in the life, death and resurrection of Christ.
And so with all the saints on earth and in heaven, we praise you:

            [Sanctus, spoken or sung:]
        Holy, holy, holy One, God of power and might,
        heaven and earth are full of your glory.
        Hosanna in the highest.
        Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
        Hosanna in the highest.
               [or alternate version]


Luke 22. 24-27 [One who serves]

Eucharistic Prayer
Blessed are all who come in your name,
and blessed is Jesus, your Christ, who, though he was divine,
did not cling to equality with God,
but in radical self-emptying, took the form of a servant,
becoming humble to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Gentle Christ, we thank for your great love,
for which you suffered the injustice of the cross.

In your suffering you are one with all who suffer.
We pray for all who suffer, that you may be with them.

In your presence may they find hope and consolation,
and come to know the true promise of resurrection.
You make all things new; free us from our fear of suffering,
that in the spirit of Christ’s compassion,
we may offer ourselves for justice and the healing of the world,
according to your will.

Intercessory Prayers


Luke 22. 21-23, 31-34 [You will deny me]

Prayer of Confession
Merciful God, we confess that we do not love you perfectly, nor our neighbors as ourselves. We confess the injustice of our world, the greed and violence at the heart of our society. We confess that we are part of it: we are dominated by fear and selfishness, helplessly entangled in powers of death and injustice. We cannot wash our hands of the suffering we have caused, benefited from, or been party to. By the grace of your Gentle One, Christ Jesus, have mercy upon us. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and put a new and faithful spirit within us. Heal us, forgive us, renew us, and lead us, that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, by the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Silent Confession … The Word of Grace


Luke. 22.14-20 [The bread and cup]

Eucharistic Prayer
Gracious God, in Christ you have renewed your Covenant
to be our God and to be with us in blessing eternally.
In Christ you have endured our sin and violence,
and overcome evil not by conquering it
but by suffering with us.

You have stood with those who are sacrificed for the sake of others,
you have condemned slaughter as an acceptable sacrifice;
you have denied violence as a way to appease you.
You have brought about your new Passover:
for Christ is our Paschal lamb, whose blood proclaims
that death has no power over us.

In your wiling suffering at the hand of our sin,
and your loving forgiveness, all condemnation is destroyed.
In the Covenant of your grace, we receive new life.

[Spoken or sung:]
Dying, Christ destroyed our death.
Rising, Christ restores our life.
Christ shall come again in glory.

Scripture: Isaiah 42.1-4

Eucharistic Prayer

By your grace, as we take into ourselves the Body of Christ,
Grant that we may become the Body of Christ,
that by your Spirit in us, we may proclaim in our lives,
as we do in this meal, the blessing of your Covenant with us.


John 14. 15-20, 26-27

Eucharistic Prayer
Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup,
that they may be for us the Body and Blood of the Beloved, Jesus Christ.
Renew your Holy Spirit within us, O God,
and unite us with all who share in this meal:
grant us communion with all your beloved,
and solidarity with all who suffer,
who know violence or injustice.
Having set us free, send us to be servants of justice
for the sake of the world
until we feast together in the Realm that you promise.
May your Word be made flesh by all your holy Church,
in the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

[Spoken or sung]

The Prayer of Jesus (“The Lord’s Prayer”)

Sharing the Meal

Scripture: John 15.9-17

Loving God, we thank you for this mystery in which you have given yourself to us. You have gathered us in a community of love and justice. By your spirit may we go forth and make the world a community of love and justice. Amen.


Optional foot-washing:

John 13. 1-17

God of steadfast love, we give thanks,
for in Christ you have humbly served us.
You have led us as our teacher, called us as your servants,
and claimed us as your friends.
Grant us Christ’s hope in healing and justice,
and spirit of surrender and servanthood,
that in the name and companionship of Christ
we may live in love and humility,
for the sake of your will. Amen.


Washing of Feet

John 13. 34-35


Holy One, Triune God, Lover and Beloved
and the Flowing of Love,
grant by the life of Christ in us
that we may love one another,
not merely as we love ourselves,
but even as you have loved us,
and that we commit our love
for the whole world.




Suggested songs

Be the Living Word          (Tune: HOLY MANNA or ODE TO JOY)

As you go to serve Creation bear the Word of God with you,
Word that brings forth light now dwelling in your heart and shining through.
Do not merely say the words: become the Word. Embody grace.
Be the living Word and give the love of God a human face.

To the poor in spirit go, and give them bread for which they long.
Nourish them for love and justice. Feed their souls and make them strong.
Be the hearty bread that’s taken, blest and broken day by day.
Be the bread of love made real, bread that Jesus gives away.

Do not try to serve with only your own passion to impart.
Let the love of God flow through you from the Source, from Heaven’s Heart.
Pass along God’s deep forgiveness, flowing freely from the Lord.
Be the wine of God’s great feast, the wine so generously poured.

By the Spirit living in you, be the hope you hope to preach;
be the peace you long to witness; be the truth you want to teach.
Let your living be the Word that words alone cannot convey.
Be the Word of love embodied; be the flesh of Christ today.

Bread of Justice        (Tune: HOLY MANNA)
Alt. tunes: BEECHER (“Love Divine all Loves Excelling”)
CONVERSE (“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”)
ODE TO JOY (“Joyful, Joyful”)

God of justice and compassion, you who freed the Hebrew slaves,
you who feed the poor and powerless, you whose great forgiveness saves,
now you feed us, poor in spirit, through the grace of your dear Son;
now you call us, now you send us. May your loving will be done.

Feed us, God, the bread of justice: give us hearts to see and care.
We are one with all who suffer. They are yours; now send us there.
Knowing not if we shall triumph, give us faith to never cease;
give us strength to boldly witness, seeking justice, making peace.

Feed us, God, the wine of courage, faithfully to do your will.
Now we drink of resurrection, facing death but steadfast still.
To this world of heartless plunder, send us in a different vein:
by our fearless, gentle healing, bearing witness to your Reign.

Do Justice (Original Song)

Do justice, love mercy,
walk humbly with your God.
O, help us humbly live your justice,
your love, your mercy.

God of all Gentleness      (Tune: Be Thou My Vision)

God of all gentleness, God of pure love,
you do not watch us from heights far above,
you are no tyrant, but patient and mild,
present with grace in the poor, in the child.

God of all mercy, may we be the ones
bearing your love to your daughters and sons,
not out of pity but humbly, with grace,
for in the poor we see your human face.

God of all justice, give us hearts to care,
hope to free prisoners of fear and despair,
courage to challenge the ways that oppress,
deep love to reach out to heal and to bless.

God of compassion, your Spirit now pour
into us all, for it’s we who are poor,
hungry for justice, for healing and grace,
and for full life for the whole human race.

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