Breathing with the world

Standing on the rim of the hollow
this cool spring morning
I saw my breath in little grey puffs
glide smoothly into the green light
and disappear into the forest’s lungs.
We breathed in and out into each other:
each breathing in,
transforming the breath within us,
breathing out;
not artificial respiration,
but the real thing, lip to lip,
the woods and me.

On a street corner the breaths of your heart
glide smoothly in little invisible puffs
into the hearts of others.

We’re all breathing the same air,
inhaling the same spirit, sharing
the same miraculous lungs.
Be careful what you breathe in and out.
Fill the lungs of your heart with peace
and go, breathing, into this world.


Weather Report

Singularity of atmosphere,
gathering throughout the day
as the illusion of separateness
evaporates in the one air.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

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