
           Those whom God predestined God also called;
           and those whom God called God also justified;
           and those whom God justified God also glorified.

                           —Romans 8.30

And whom does God predestine?
All of us, dear.
Every single one of us, saintly and wretched alike,
is destined to be drawn into the love of God,
forgiven deeply and perfectly,
and made to shine with the radiance of God’s beauty.
Our outward behavior may or may not show it.
We may or may not realize it, or believe it, or want it.
But unseen, our destiny as God’s chosen ones
unfolds inexorably.
Pray that you may trust the gift,
and that you may walk through the crowded market
with such eyes.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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