She pleads for you

           She said, “Yes, Lord,
           yet even the dogs eat the crumbs
           that fall from their masters’ table.”

                           —Matthew 15.27

You will be told you’re not worthy.
There will be heavy theology behind it.
It will be untrue, but seemingly irrefutable.

But a voice in you knows.
A Wisdom knows otherwise.
Knows you belong at the table.

She pleads for your wholeness.
She doesn’t back down.
She will confront the Almighty.

She’s uncredentialed.
Speaks with an accent.
Hides in out of the way places.

Find her.
Let her speak.
The Divine listens to her.

She is, in fact, divine,
the mother of your soul,
securing your life.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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