Tear open the heavens

           O that you would tear open the heavens
           and come down!

                         —Isaiah 64.1

But that’s not the way it works, is it?
You come slowly, quietly, infinitesimally.

Under the huge minor chords of our pleading
you are a single note, changing everything.
Beneath the dissonances of our longing,
the passing tones and conflicting lines
of our anxieties, your presence is the silence.

In the storm of our injustice you stand,
quiet, resolute, unbowed.
In the barren moonscape of my prayers
you abide calmly, giving breath.
And in the future I sometimes fear,
the uncertainty, the dark blank,
there you are, at peace.

No, what needs to be torn open
is the veil over the eyes of my heart,
to see you here in every little thing,
present in every moment, even times of terror,
the whole world opening like a flower
with you at the center, if only I will see,
… and if I can’t see, at least trust.

                He is near, at the very gates.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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