The light that does not fail

          Hanukkah begins this evening,
          recalling the restoration of the temple,
          and the oil in the lamp that burned for eight days.

Amid war and conquest, domination and violence,
O God, may the oil of your peace burn in me.
May your grace be the light in me that does not fail,
and love the lamp that does not go out.
May I have courage to be faithful in the face of difficulty,
to meet wrath with mercy and fear with compassion.
May my trust not falter, my hope not be extinguished,
my commitment to justice or my will for peace not run out.
I pray not for my strength but for your loving presence,
for despite all hopelessness or my despair,
you are the light that does not fail.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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