Still coming and already here

            Among you stands one whom you do not know,
            the one who is coming after me.

                         —John 1.3-4

The great paradox of Advent
is that we await the coming
of the One Who Is Among Us,
here already, profoundly present,
yet still coming, not done arriving.
Christ is not coming from a great distance,
inching closer to us from some far-off heaven,
but unfolding among us, within us.
We are pregnant with Christ,
who is here and yet who is coming,
whose presence is full and yet blossoming.

Jesus, silently gestating in us,
tender, innocent, dependent,
unknown, yet who loves us intimately
with infinite grace and wisdom.
           and give thanks,
                                      and wait.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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