Born in you

           “ The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
                      and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;
            therefore the child to be born will be holy;
                      he will be called Son of God.”

                         —Luke 1.35

With Gabriel’s news the cosmic becomes personal.
Christ is coming—God is embodied— in a new way,
to transform the world,
and whatever that is, it is happening in you.
You are being asked to bear work that will have cosmic ripples.
What is that new act of Creation God is accomplishing in you?
What are signs of God’s new creating in your own heart and life?
Look into your soul. Like gazing into a starry sky,
it will require time for your eyes to adjust,
time for the stars to come out.
Give time and stillness to watch, to wait, to observe.
What holy mystery is the Spirit doing in you?
Wait, and wonder… and say Yes.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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