Fish for people

         “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.”
                    —Mark 1.17

I don’t think he meant for us to catch them,
haul them into our boat with some evangelistic net,
capture & manipulate them.

I think he meant to change our focus
from fish to people.
Fishers know where the fish are and go there;
they learn to think like fish; they value fish.
Their lives are centered around fish.

Become attentive to people, Jesus meant,
go where they are,
let their beauty flash before you.
Center your life around them and their well-being.

He might have said to Matthew,
pay attention to the details of people like you do to taxes.
Or to an auto mechanic, that’s great,
now can you do that for people?

What do you know a lot about?
Imagine becoming that adept
with souls, with relationships,
with how we live together.
Follow Jesus, and you can become
an investment banker of souls,

a painter of people, a gardener of society.
Just follow, and you’ll discover what it means.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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