
           The Spirit immediately drove him
           out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days,
           tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts;
           and the angels waited on him.

                         —Mark 1.12-13

Spirit is a shape-shifter.

    The secret overpowering guide that drives us
where we otherwise wouldn’t have gone,
and discover blessing.
    The wilderness, the holy absence that envelops us,
the arms of dust and sand that receive us.
    The span of time, enough to lose ourselves,
enough to be delivered into God’s hands.
    Satan, masquerading as someone else’s fault,
until we see ourselves, the lie of our alienation.
    Wild beasts, untamed energies,
inviting humility, awareness, acceptance.
    Angels, the way love and grace hide in this world,
so close to us, so attentive, so generous.

All of it is Spirit, transforming moment by moment,
transforming our desires.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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