Come away

              “Come away to a deserted place
             all by yourselves and rest a while.”

                            —Mark 6.31

Let go of what you need to do, what you have to do,
what you’re supposed to do. Let go.

All you do, all you accomplish, even the most life-giving,
is only a shadow of who you are.

Allow a deeper calling to have you,
a greater life to possess you.

Go to a deserted place all by yourself,
a place which is not a place but a time,

a time of spaciousness with lots of room
for the silence to open wide, where you can listen.

Spend time in that place inside yourself,
a place of solitude, where you are solely a soul.

Let an infinite delight create you again;
infinite love flow through you.

Let God’s primary joy, that you are,
become your primary joy.

Be at peace in that peace. Give it time.
Give it time. Let that be enough.

Then go out into the world,
a faithful steward of your holy being.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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