Poop attack

Walking near the shore
I knew I was too near piping plover nests
because a bird dive-bombed me,
pooping on me.
She was trying to scare me away,
with the only thing she had at hand.

When people do or say things to make you feel bad,
that don’t offer any information or perspective,
but are only intended to make you feel like shit,
don’t take it literally; they’re just throwing their own poop.
They’re afraid, and defending something important to them
with all they have access to: their fear and bitterness.

You don’t need to avoid them—
but don’t fling back.
Just know they’re feeling threatened and at a loss;
and be curious what is so dear to them;
and look for ways to help them use words instead of poop.

Meanwhile duck as you can,
and, if you need to, carry an umbrella.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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