
             No one can come to me
             unless drawn by God who sent me.
—John 6.44

No one comes to Christ
inspired by the carnival barkers of evangelism,
or scared sinless by the fear of hell,
or set free by peer pressure, even most sweet and kind.

They come because they are drawn:
because there is Christ, before them,
beckoning, irresistible.

We can’t drive them to Jesus like a sheepdog,
or argue them close; but we can give them Christ,
give them love and forgiveness and encouragement.

There are ways—what are they? Look for them—
you can put in people’s lives what they’re hungry for,
as inviting as the smell of baking bread.

Bake the bread of love and offer it.
Open the door,
and let the aroma of grace work its magic.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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