The words of eternal life

             Jesus asked the twelve,
             “Do you also wish to go away?”
             Simon Peter answered him,
             “Boss, where else could we turn?
             You have the words of eternal life.”
—John 6.67-68

Among all the teachers of wisdom, and there are many,
what I listen for is the truth that connects me
with the heart of all things,
the Love at the center of the universe,
the words beyond words
full of life that is infinite,
that are the Word that speaks everything into being,
the Life that was before all, is in all,
and will outlive all.

For that, Jesus is my man.
Nobody else quite has the depth of it,
the joy and sorrow and healing and generosity
and suffering and courage and mystery and forgiveness
and through it all this gobsmacking trust
in the grace that never fails.
He’s the one who hands me the heart of God
and says, “Here, it’s yours.”

His is the love that can heal my soul,
charge my heart, and raise me from the dead.
There’s nobody else I’m drawn to listen to
so much, so deeply, so needy, so happy.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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