Like wheat gathered

In an upper room your people gather,
blown by your wind, drawn by your flame,

still shaken by a cross, still shaken by a resurrection,
bearing both wounds and wonder—

the wounds we have suffered and those we have caused,
and those by our faith we are yet to endure—

and the mystery of our healing, and your outrageous hope
in calling us as vessels of your grace and mercy.

How now do we step into this calling?
How do we speak this mystery?

Neither by our zeal nor our wisdom,
for your Spirit alone enfolds us, empowers us, guides us:

to go to the lost, beginning with each other,
beginning with ourselves, receiving your grace to overflowing;

to bear the torch without burning one,
to speak the truth without silencing one,

to proclaim with humility,
to bear witness with kindness,

to offer grace to those whom we oppose
to labor for justice with gentleness,

to embody your resurrection,
to become your bread.

Take us, Holy One. Bless us. Break us. And give us
in the name of the Beloved, to this hungry, hurting world.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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