
O Love, Great Love,
Mystery of Grace and Mercy, we thank you.
We are alive because you create us.
None is alone; none is forgotten.
We are one, and we are gathered,
not by our will but yours.
All Creation surrounds us:
grasses and trees raise their hands in blessing,
rivers anoint us with grace,
creatures accompany us in praise,
the round earth enfolds us,
the galaxy dances with us.
And we breathe your grace.
We are one body, breathing together,
a conspiracy of love.
You are the life we breathe,
the love flowing in our veins.
You are the grace that unites us,
the Spirit in whom we are one Body.
You are the mindfulness that awakens us,
the forgiveness that binds us
the love that moves us.
In our hearts, your heart beats.
In our gift to you of our silence,
you are present.
We open ourselves;
we listen;
we wait.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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