
             Whoever wants to be first
             must be last of all and servant of all.
—Mark 9.35

Not subservient, not inferior to others,
but helpful, in support, in service.
You’re not indentured or obligated;
you serve in love that is yours to give.
Your task today is to serve others—
not necessarily to please them,
not to save them or “fix” them,
but to offer grace, to bless them,
to set before them wholeness of life,
to open doors that set them free,
to speak a word that heals
and does not dishonor them.
Your task today is not to use or conquer others,
but to offer what love or joy you can
in service to their new life.

Today, for everyone you meet,
God is the chef of grace
and you are their server.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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