Cut it off

             If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off.
                         —Mark 9.43

I can feel bad about my sin,
promise and wish and hope to do better…
and likely sin again.

Or I can look deeper, at what leads me to sin.
What is the wound, the want, the fear,
that pushes me around?

I don’t need to split myself apart,
nor can I just get rid of any part of me:
fear and hurt don’t work like that.

But I can unplug its energy,
cut off its blood supply,
cut it off from access to my power.

I can name my fear and hurt, honor it,
and let it be, without letting it control me.
I can cut it off from guiding my choices.

I can let it be an urge, a response,
what I feel—but not who I am.
I can cut it off from defining me.

I know, I’m so used to it
it’ll feel like cutting off a part of myself
to disempower my anger, my greed—

but maybe getting free
from the grip of my fear and hurt
is just what it means to be whole.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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