Dire prediction

             He was teaching his disciples, saying to them,
             “The Human One will be betrayed…”
—Mark 9.31

We don’t like dire predictions.
Especially right now.
Yet here is the prophet of hope,
telling us the bad news
on the way to the good news.
This is not about predicting the future.
It’s about trusting the everlastingness of love
and the power of life to endure,
and the capacity of grace
to bring life out of death,
no matter what.
Because sometimes there will be What.
A lot of it.
And yet…
There is always God’s And Yet.

Weather Report

Absolutely certain,
though the atmosphere appears unstable
and conditions may degrade rapidly:
a persistent low pressure zone of grace
will endure throughout even the worst storm.
There will be rainbows.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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O Love, Great Love,
Mystery of Grace and Mercy, we thank you.
We are alive because you create us.
None is alone; none is forgotten.
We are one, and we are gathered,
not by our will but yours.
All Creation surrounds us:
grasses and trees raise their hands in blessing,
rivers anoint us with grace,
creatures accompany us in praise,
the round earth enfolds us,
the galaxy dances with us.
And we breathe your grace.
We are one body, breathing together,
a conspiracy of love.
You are the life we breathe,
the love flowing in our veins.
You are the grace that unites us,
the Spirit in whom we are one Body.
You are the mindfulness that awakens us,
the forgiveness that binds us
the love that moves us.
In our hearts, your heart beats.
In our gift to you of our silence,
you are present.
We open ourselves;
we listen;
we wait.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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In return

           What can you give in return for your life?
                         —Mark 8.37

In our money-made world
we understand transaction.
We’re ready to make a deal.
What then do we do
with an incommensurate, unanswerable gift?
What can you give in return for your life?
Only your life,
full of what only you can put into it.

Yet think of what we exchange for life.
The way we trade in real life
for the feeling of being liked,
or right, or safe, or worthy.
It’s a cheap imitation. Don’t buy it.

Receive the gift,
cherish it—
and give it away.
It will be given again to you,
newer, brighter, a good measure,
pressed down, shaken together, running over,
over and over.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Evening moment

Evening, cooler than in past days.
The sky is quiet, polished purple,
thickening with darkness,
gently turning to octopus ink.
A stand of trees, black against the horizon,
shuffles vaguely, then stills.
An eyelash of moon hovers over the horizon.
It seems to be looking at you.
Stars start humming their tiny, tinny tunes.
The earth is not just there, but holding you up.
With each breath the evening air greets you,
enters you, becomes you, and leaves in peace.
A single bird note sounds, not a song, just a note,
like one star. Then silence.

In that enfolding space,
in the beckoning of the stillness,
something in you stands up
and speaks.

And the earth and the trees and the sky
and the very stars hear,
and will remember forever.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light www.unfoldinglight.net
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The cross

           ”Take up your cross and follow me.”
                        Mark 8.34

To take up the cross
is the greatest paradox:

to enter the world’s suffering
for the sake of healing;

to endure injustice
for the sake of justice;

to abandon my safety,
secure in grace alone;

to bear the pain of oppression,
neither wilting nor retaliating;

to desire fullness of life
enough to suffer for it;

to steward my gifts and powers
at one with all who suffer;

to resist the culture of death
even if it kills me;

to entrust myself to grace,
releasing all attachment to outcomes;

to bear goodness into the breach and know
that life will be borne beyond me;

to have given my life over entirely
to the Spirit of Life

and found there, in life given, not clutched,
love’s surprising joy.

By this grace, having died and been raised,
I am ready to take up the cross.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Out of reach

My dear children,
because a moment of arrival
misleads with a sense of closure
and the temptation to cease;
because desire is half of sin
and possession the other half;
because wonder is as trustworthy as wisdom,

though closer to you than your own breath
I haunt you, just out of reach,
barely imperceptible—
birdsong in a thick woods,
the bodily substance of music,
the expansion of the universe—
so that you may never quit opening yourself,
listening, looking, seeking.

Even in my looming absence
I am here, in your reaching.
I am horizon;
        you will never hold me.
              I will always hold you.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Who do you say I am?

           “But who do you say that I am?’”
                        —Mark 8.29

He’s not asking for a theological statement,
but a personal one.
Not what he is, but who.
All the answers, even the right one,
are not what he means,
but “Who am I to you?”
Aside from what anyone says about him—
fundamentalists & atheists, theologians & wackos alike—
how does he land in your life?
Where does he touch you? Awaken you?
Scare you? Encourage you? Heal you?
Where does he lead you?
Let that be enough, and never mind
the arguments about roles and titles.
Don’t try to box him in.
Just listen.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Be opened

           Then looking up to heaven, he sighed
           and said to him, ‘Ephphatha’, that is, ‘Be opened.’

                         —Mark 7.34

May my ears be opened,
that I may hear others truly,
and listen with loving attentiveness.

May the ears of my spirit be opened,
open to hear your murmuring
in ordinary things.

May my mind be opened,
open to what may seem too miraculous,
open to change.

May my heart be opened,
in trust and hope open to your grace
around me and within me.

May heaven be opened,
that there be no barrier
between me and the holy.

May all of life be opened,
open to your grace, open to the miracle
that is about to happen.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Bare hillside

Light rises
from the bare hillside
where prayers were sown
in the body
that fell into the earth of light.

The soil knows how to do this.

A blackbird cloaked like a priest
watches from a bare branch
without a word,
without a thought.
After a while it lifts, departs.
You, too, go home
and lay your body down,
and come again later.

Like water
the word passes between the silences.

Friend, the moment the seeds left your hand
you were raised.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Like wheat gathered

In an upper room your people gather,
blown by your wind, drawn by your flame,

still shaken by a cross, still shaken by a resurrection,
bearing both wounds and wonder—

the wounds we have suffered and those we have caused,
and those by our faith we are yet to endure—

and the mystery of our healing, and your outrageous hope
in calling us as vessels of your grace and mercy.

How now do we step into this calling?
How do we speak this mystery?

Neither by our zeal nor our wisdom,
for your Spirit alone enfolds us, empowers us, guides us:

to go to the lost, beginning with each other,
beginning with ourselves, receiving your grace to overflowing;

to bear the torch without burning one,
to speak the truth without silencing one,

to proclaim with humility,
to bear witness with kindness,

to offer grace to those whom we oppose
to labor for justice with gentleness,

to embody your resurrection,
to become your bread.

Take us, Holy One. Bless us. Break us. And give us
in the name of the Beloved, to this hungry, hurting world.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

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