
When the flood waters scrape it all away
we recoil at the knives
of what once was, or should have been,
that is not,
the jagged edge of what we wanted
and still want
but can no longer.

And yet all of that (yes, so dear,
which is why the rich man went away grieving)
is the camel that couldn’t pass through the needle’s eye.

But you have.
Maybe shoved, but you have come through,
yes, with sorrow and trauma, but through
the needle’s eye of loss,
into this world.

You, whole and alive, are here,
along with so many
who have also been drawn
through that same needle’s eye,
drawn on the thread of grief,
by the hand of love.

For love has also come through. Love is unburdened,
and passes through any needle’s eye,
through any wall, through any grave.

Let yourself be stitched, then,
with all the others, in life’s fabric.
The whole wounded world needs your love,
the torn fabric needs the thread of your grace.
That is why you are here.
Amidst the mourning, the picking up of pieces,
the starting again,
keep loving.
In the end, it is all that survives disaster,
and all that redeems it.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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