
Go lie down in a field
where snow will fall,
curled among the grasses.
Bones gather around you,
bison teeth, crow feather,
now sunk into the soil.
The grasses, dressed in gray,
are silent around your little plot.
Great rivers stir in their sleep
deep beneath, filtered down
after falling for ages, rinsing
sky into the ground.
Earth holds you in her slow, steady spin.
The eternal and mere soil
pass into each other.
Eons pass. Everything that is alive
will pass, gathered here in this field.
Be here a while.

This is the empty manger.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections

Blessed are you

             In those days Mary set out and went with haste
             to a Judean town in the hill country,
             where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
—Luke 1. 39-40

In out of the way places
you revolutionary women meet,
not to plan campaigns or plot a disturbance,
but to do what revolutionary women do:
give life, celebrate each other, enact hope.
You tend generations (the womb’s work
is only the beginning).

You seek the company of those who know,
who honor the womb of the heart.
You flock with others who cherish the sacred,
who harbor joy even in harsh winter.

Your hope is not approaching from over a horizon
but growing within you, already real.
There is something holy in you
that leaps at the nearness of the holy.

Blessed is she who believes there will be fulfillment
of what Love has promised:
that you shall bear blessing into the world.
Blessed are you and the fruit of your heart,
for it is this love that overcomes the world.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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The tree that can’t be killed

             Even now the ax is lying at the root of the tree.
—Luke 3.9

The ax lies ready,
awaiting the courage of pruning.

It sings a song of non-being.
to let only the fruitful branches remain.

Trust: the vine to which we belong
can’t be killed. Prune away.

We know as we labor in the orchard
other forces lay axes to our good vine,

to cut us off, to quell the miracle,
for greedy weeds of fear to prevail.

They can’t succeed. Even slashed at the root
this vine rises again.

Fear neither the faithful pruning
nor the wicked assaults:

these roots are mighty enough
to roll away stones.

What is of love is eternal, and flourishes,
bearing the fruits of grace,

even from stumps burgeoning forth with leaves
that are for the healing of the nations.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections

The Beloved is near

             Rejoice in the Beloved always;
                          again I will say, Rejoice.
             Let your gentleness be known to everyone.
                          The Beloved is near.
—Philippians 4.4-5

The Beloved is not near in the future,
but near to your heart, now.

The Beloved, born into danger and conflict,
dead and raised from all meanness,

has your back. Guards your joy.
And shows you the way.

Dare to be gentle in a rough world.
In such a manger the child comes.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections


The prophet cries, “Prepare the way!”
and we know he means justice and purified hearts—
well, and shopping and decorating and baking
and cards and programs and family plans….

Either path is OK, for a bit. But whichever you are on,
stop. It’s OK to let it all go.
Prepare for something to happen inside you
that can’t happen with too much stuff going on.
Clear the space. Stop pruning in the vineyard, and walk away.
Dress warmly, and go out into the dark. You may go alone,
or with others who can hold candles in a cold wind
without masking the dark silence with familiar songs.
Sit at the empty manger, and let its emptiness speak.
Make room for newly conceived life… unknown longings.
All of who you are is present, as is the Holy, approaching.
This retreat may take a lot of time. Cookies may be neglected.
Sit in the not-yet-ness, the awful silence.
Sit with the holy family. Joseph goes off to find a safe place,
and Mary regards the manger within.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Categorized as Reflections

What then should we do?

             And the crowds asked him,
             “What then should we do?”
—Luke 3.10

John’s answer is: do justice.
The proper preparation for the coming of Christ
is not to re-arrange the world around us
but to allow ourselves to be changed.
Into the world as it is, between the cracks
of the fortresses of our hearts and habits,
comes the Tender One, who invites us
to be tender with one another.
It’s continual transformation.
We open ourselves to the miraculous incursion
of grace that sifts our wheat from our chaff,
our love from our fear.
Not in believing, but in sharing,
our selfishness is winnowed away from our courage,
and burned in the blessed, unquenchable fire of grace,
and the light of the fire guides us in hope and joy.

                “I baptize you with water;
                but one who is coming will baptize you
                with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Listen to the audio recording.

Good fruit

         Bear fruits worthy of repentance.
         Every tree that does not bear good fruit
         is cut down and thrown into the fire.
     —Luke 3.8,9

When were those moments for you that bore fruit,
when the sap of God flowed through you beautifully? …

Be mindful of your joy, give thanks,
and allow those moments to rest in you. …

When did your living not bear fruit,
unrooted or dead on the vine of God,
when you felt less life or joy? …

Offer those moments to God.
Be mindful of your longing,
and of God’s grace,
and let that awareness rest in you. …

Give thanks that even as God prepares a way
to come to us in all our lives,
in every moment,
God is present.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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Go before

             And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;
             for you will go before the Holy One to prepare God’s ways,
             to give knowledge of salvation to God’s people
             by the forgiveness of their sins.

                                                   —Luke 1.76-77

You go before, before the way is straightened.
The preparations are mostly unseen. Go anyway.

Bold pronouncements won’t do it;
you make God’s grace known by forgiving.

Plant seeds of grace in the dark soil of this world;
sow seeds of light in the darkness.

In time they will bear fruit, in time.
Go before; Infinite Love is at your back.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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             By the tender mercy of our God,
                  the dawn from on high will break upon us,
            to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
                  to guide our feet into the way of peace.
                        —Luke 1.78-79

When we see the world clearly,
its doom of climate, of tyranny, of violence,
the reign of riches, the empire of fear,
we join those who sit in darkness.
It is no longer only slaves and prisoners,
but all the world that dwells in the shadow of death.

And now, now, the prophet announces
the coming of a dawn as if a winter solstice.
A light that guides us into the ways of peace
even amid the winds of conflict.

Look, then, even in the darkness, to the light.
The dawn is not on the horizon but among us,
even in the deep night, already rising.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

In the wilderness

           In the fifteenth year of the reign of Emperor Tiberius,
           when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea,
           and Herod was ruler of Galilee,
           and his brother Philip ruler of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis,
           and Lysanias ruler of Abilene,
           during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas,
           the word of God came—
                                          to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness.
                                                                       —Luke 3.1-2

Luke names every locus of power,
every place where the Word of the Almighty
ought to land…
and it does not come there,
but in the wilderness, to a powerless peasant
without office or authority, a man named John.
Don’t look to the mighty for the power of God.
Look to the lowly.

Grace always rises from below.

In your own heart, yes, there are your strengths,
those things you’re most comfortable with,
what gets noticed and praised—
but look also to the wilderness,
among the quiet, overlooked things,
the tender places, the sorrows and wounds,
the outlier hopes and fragile dreams,
for the movement of the Spirit.

The Holy invades from the bottom up.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

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