
             Magi from the East came to Jerusalem,
             asking, “Where is the child
             who has been born king of the Jews?
             For we observed his star at its rising,
             and have come to pay him homage.”
             When King Herod heard this, he was frightened,
             and all Jerusalem with him.
—Matthew 2.1-3

Herod is still king, no doubt about that.
The lovely story of the visit of the magi
will be followed by slaughter in Bethlehem.
The little baby will have to grow up
and go out into the world that will crucify him,
overseen by another Herod.
Look around: Herod returns again and again.
But the end of the story isn’t there,
in political power and violence.
The end is here, at the beginning:
under the nose of the king of dominance
the kings of wisdom kneel and pay homage
to the king of love.

Herods and their mobs will come and go,
but love remains, and remains in power.
Like we think we’ve conquered nature,
but she rules with her eternal laws—
so love reigns, despite what despots think.
Love frightens those who want to dominate:
it undermines power structures and erodes hierarchies.
It is the energy of the universe,
and magi see it even in the stars.
Herod is still there, still frightened.
Kneel to a greater king.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:


The birth of Christ was not a mission trip
but a return.

A God of love is a God of real things.
The smell of hay, the feel of night wind.

Only in our poor, starved imaginations
was God ever far,

but is really ever so much more here
than anything here.

A family, a safe place, a foreign place,
a place endangered—God’s favorite place.

The birth is our awakening.
A manger’s rough wood is a holy place,

a prayer in the dark, a hope malnourished,
a friendship faltering, a life poorly lived:

these are the things, the real things,
to which the God of Being Here will always return.

A child’s awkward gift, a doubter’s question,
the way you breathe even as you read this.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

New year

           Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth;
           for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.
         —Revelation 21.1

The eighth day of Christmas,
eighth day of Creation,
starting anew.

You are given new life,
an unprecedented future,
but only if you stay in the present moment.

Each moment vanishes
the moment you live it,
and you are in another.

As you stand at the threshold of a new year,
it is true, the year stretches out
like a field of untouched snow before you,

but remember you are not living a whole year:
you live in this moment.
Now is your choice… and now… and now….

It is here, not in some far-off time or place, that God is.
It is here the infinite is revealed.
May this be a year of staying present.

Happy New Moment!

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
Listen to the audio recording:

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