Worse sinners

             Do you think that because these Galileans
             suffered in this way they were worse sinners
             than all other Galileans?
             No, I tell you; but unless you repent,
             you will all perish as they did.
—Luke 13.2-3

To repent I begin by trashing my list
of those whose sin is surely worse than mine.
The point is not to judge how far someone is
from perfect love, but how far off I am.

When I separate myself from them—
even those I despise—who are my own flesh,
I diminish. I wither. I perish.

Instead, I accept the profound evil of the world,
and that I am part of it.
Goodness is not anyone’s, but God’s alone.
All of us, equally sinful, equally forgiven,
are one Body, warring against itself,
one flesh, unwell and graced.

In this mystery is peace,
a baptismal drowning and rising,
in which I am serene, humbled,
given courage, and ready to repent.

Not by being better, but by being one,
I face even the cruelest
without pride or fear,
with the generous strength of mercy and grace.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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