A prodigal of God

Imagine a story about a recklessly extravagant man
who has lost two sons to two different shades of pride.
To each he goes out, forgives, welcomes, offers his wealth,
and invites them in to a party, because he is happy.

Imagine his joy withstanding their selfishness,
two sons who only speak of what they want from him,
who distance themselves from him and each other—
and still his joy overflows.

Imagine a God so prodigal with grace and blessing,
who loves us who have strayed
and us who think we’re more deserving,
and, free of our past, embraces us all, and is happy.

Imagine being a prodigal of God, extravagantly loving,
spreading it wantonly, forgiving the undeserving,
living in the present moment, totally free,
trusting God’s abundance, and full of joy.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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