Armor of God

             Put on the whole armor of God…
—Ephesians 6.11

The armor of God is distinctly not-armor:
a renunciation of might,
of power and force,
a radical commitment to non-violence.
It’s gentleness instead of fighting,
service rather than superiority,
listening instead of yelling,
love instead of self-protection.

You don’t just renounce guns.
You renounce bullying,
aggression, making fun of others.
You set aside the shield of cynicism,
the helmet of acceptability,
the sword of being right.
For the sake of healing
you accept vulnerability, embrace risk,
and stand with those who hurt.

To put on the armor of God
is not for the faint-hearted.
It’s to trust that love
and utter dependence on the grace of God
will keep you whole.
For it will.
It will.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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