The cross

           ”Take up your cross and follow me.”
                        Mark 8.34

To take up the cross
is the greatest paradox:

to enter the world’s suffering
for the sake of healing;

to endure injustice
for the sake of justice;

to abandon my safety,
secure in grace alone;

to bear the pain of oppression,
neither wilting nor retaliating;

to desire fullness of life
enough to suffer for it;

to steward my gifts and powers
at one with all who suffer;

to resist the culture of death
even if it kills me;

to entrust myself to grace,
releasing all attachment to outcomes;

to bear goodness into the breach and know
that life will be borne beyond me;

to have given my life over entirely
to the Spirit of Life

and found there, in life given, not clutched,
love’s surprising joy.

By this grace, having died and been raised,
I am ready to take up the cross.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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