Dire prediction

             He was teaching his disciples, saying to them,
             “The Human One will be betrayed…”
—Mark 9.31

We don’t like dire predictions.
Especially right now.
Yet here is the prophet of hope,
telling us the bad news
on the way to the good news.
This is not about predicting the future.
It’s about trusting the everlastingness of love
and the power of life to endure,
and the capacity of grace
to bring life out of death,
no matter what.
Because sometimes there will be What.
A lot of it.
And yet…
There is always God’s And Yet.

Weather Report

Absolutely certain,
though the atmosphere appears unstable
and conditions may degrade rapidly:
a persistent low pressure zone of grace
will endure throughout even the worst storm.
There will be rainbows.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light
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